Lowering the ‘floor’ of the SF-6D scoring algorithm using a lottery equivalent method

Health Economics, vol. 21, pp. 1271 – 1285. (2011).

Autores: José María Abellán Perpiñán, Fernando Ignacio Sánchez Martínez, Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez, Ildefonso Méndez.



This paper presents a new scoring algorithm for the SF-6D, one of the most popular preference-based health status measures. Previous SF-6D value sets have a minimum (a floor), which is substantially higher than the lowest value generated by the EQ-5D model. Our algorithm expands the range of SF-6D utility scores in such a way that the floor is significantly lowered.

We obtain the wider range because of the use of a lottery equivalent method through which preferences from a representative sample of Spanish general population are elicited.

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