A Psychometric Comparison of Different Health Utility Measures in Patients Affected by Parkinson’s Disease

Nursing Economic$, vol. 36(5), pp. 233 – 245. (2018).

Autores: B. del Pozo-Cruz, D. Colado-Mateo, J.C. Adsuar, M.A. García-Gordillo, J.M. Cordero-Ferrera, Fernando I. Sánchez-Martínez y José María Abellán-Perpiñán



Parkinson’s disease is a chronic disease affecting quality of life and well-being. Cost-utility analyses is a method of determining the cost-effectiveness of nursing interventions. These analyses are performed using data from preference-based questionnaires.

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Spain. Health system review

Health Systems in Transitions, vol. 20(2). (2018).

Autores: Enrique Bernal-Delgado, Sandra García-Armesto, Juan Oliva, Fernando Ignacio Sánchez Martínez, José Ramón Repullo Luz María Peña-Longobardo, Manuel Ridao-López, Cristina Hernández-Quevedo



This analysis of the Spanish health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Overall health status continues to improve in Spain, and life expectancy is the highest in the European Union. Inequalities in self-reported health have also declined in the last decade, although long-standing disability and chronic conditions are increasing due to an ageing population.

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Aspectos económicos de la salud bucodental en España

Revista Impresiones, nº 84 (Diciembre 2018), pp. 9 – 11.

Autores: Fernando I. Sánchez Martínez, Ángel Olivares Cánovas.


El Sistema Nacional de Salud español (SNS), cuya actual configuración nace con la Ley General de Sanidad de 1986, aspira a proporcionar a los ciudadanos una cobertura sanitaria universal, tanto en su ámbito subjetivo – a toda la población residente en España-, como en el ámbito objetivo – alcanzando todos los servicios y prestaciones orientados a mejorar la salud-. Continuar leyendo «Aspectos económicos de la salud bucodental en España»